Do we ship outside of the USA?
Yes we do! Shipping prices may go up due to location of the destination.
Where can I find sizing of Clothing?
Sizes are usually found below the product information.
When will my order be shipped?
Your order usually ships within 3 to 5 business days. If we have ran out of product you'll receive it within the following couple of weeks.
What is the best way to contact us?
Either email info@HandWrittenLA.com since we check daily, reach out by phone at (424) 227-9290 or fill out the contact form HERE.
Can I pick up my order in person?
Yes you can but give us a heads up by emailing info@HandWrittenLA.com or calling to confirm your product is ready for pickup.


If I create any product on HandWrittenLA do I agree to anything?
Yes, you agree to the Design Service Agreement. The Design Service Agreement states that you will refrain from submitting designs that suggest any of the following:
  • Threatening, abusive, or violent behaviour.
  • Defamatory, obscene, or vulgar content.
  • Illegal content.
  • Other offensive material.
You also agree not to submit any content that is false, misleading, or use our service in a manner that is fraudulent or deceptive. Violating this agreement will automatically forfeit production for your product(s) and no refunds will be issued.
What are the steps from start to finish?
BEGINNING -  Free Consultations / Quotes
Bundle packages are also available. All services are based on the complexity of your vision. Deposits are due before any work is done.
PROCESS -  Revising / Edits
All services come with a reasonable amount of revisions. Any additional rounds will be estimated on a case-by-case basis.
FINAL - Completion Stage
Receive your high quality and professional cleaned up file or product. For files, it can be formatted to fit your desired needs.

How long does each service usually take to complete?
It all depends on which service and the time it takes for client revisions.
Graphic Design - A month max for a logo, should be less for other related services
Photography - Shouldn't be more than a week for final 
Product Creation - Usually  about 1-2 weeks max
Website Creation - After receiving assets needed, no more than a month or 2.
How does payments work?
After details are hashed out, invoices are emailed to you and you may pay directly through the invoice with Credit Card/Debit Card or Paypal.
Can I pay half now and half later?
Yes but only if the total amount of services is over $300.00.
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Premium breathable polyester fabric with contrast taping down center front and at sleeves

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